Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Education and Prevention in Health Care

In today’s discussion, my group got a lot of conclussions. Our system is not perfect, so we can do a lot of changes. What can we do to improve the health care in people? From the individual view point, what people need is information, but more important than that is the wish to get these information. Today, there is a lot of information in the internet, but if someone has the information but he thinks it’s not important, or maybe simply is too lazy, there is nothing we can do. In this aspect, money is fundamental, too. We said that there is a lot of information in the internet, but not everybody can access it, because it’s not free. From the family view point, we thought that it’s really important to talk about prevention to the children. There are a lot of things that they learn from their classmates, but most of that information is wrong. So, when parents think that they are protecting their sons from these “sick world”, actually, they are being useless for the formation of the kids (in fact, they are being harmfull). It’s almost impossible that a boy or a girl has a good self care, if there is not a good formation in the family level. It will be helpfull to see a family doctor, when the situation is too difficult. From the community view point, we should modificate the public policies, incresing and improving the access to contraconceptives, the sexual education at schools, etc. In conclussion, the family has the main role in the education of their sons in the present, but in long term, the fundamental role is of the government. What can we do to help? Not much, in the present, but that’s why we study so hard. Someday we will be usefull tools from the society. When that happens, we should educate each patient we have, specially the young ones. Also we could try to change the public system and the education programs in general, and the sexual education programms, specifically.

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