Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Your future as a health professional

In the future, if I'm still alive, I'll probably be a doctor. Why did I choose this career?. The answer isn't probably what you are expecting for. I chose medicine because I like science very much. Helping people was just an extra incentive. But now, something has changed. I've realized that I can't live just to please myself. I've to think in the rest, specially in the people that is suffering and need to be helped. So, medicine was the perfect choice, after all. I will do my best to help people with their health problems, while I keep learning a lot about human body. After I graduate, I plan to work for a while, so I can see how the doctor's life is. But I will continue my study in the future. If a friend asked me for my opinion about this career, first at all I'll say to him that it's not just a work. It's a life style. If you think it's just another job, you probably won't be able to stand all the years of hard studing that medicine involves. But, if you really want to help people, the study won't be so hard an the reward will be unbelievable.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Earthquake (corrected version)

It was February 27, 3:34 at the morning, when I woke up. I remember I was dreaming, when everything happened. My mom was calling me from the living room. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, because I was sleepy, but after a few seconds I woke up completly. Everything started to move, the glases crashed against the floor, and the moon light iluminated my parents faces. My mom was nervious, but my father, just as always, was really calm (but not relaxed). “Where is Claudia?” said my mom, evidently worried. “She is outside, don’t worry” answered my dad. But she was worry. She tried to go after her, but my father grabbed her, so she couldn’t move. When everything had happened already, we got out, and we met my sister, who was fine.